360 TBS Benefits + Workers Comp Risk Mitigation Platform

Workers' Comp claimant fraud costs employers $5-7 billion dollars annually.

We exist to reduce costs through efficient claims management, and mitigate the future risks with our platform.

“We’re creating a Paradigm Shift, and disrupting an antiquated, broken, and fragmented industry, shifting the power dynamics back into the hands of American businesses. It’s going to take business owners coming together with a shared vision to create a permanent impact. We're calling on you, the business owner, to join us in our collective effort to add these spiraling costs back to our balance sheets.

We're doing our part!”

- CEO: Mathew Yates

Discover How To....

Save Up To - 30% On Workers Comp Premiums.

✅ Give Employees Up To $150,000 Guaranteed Issue, No Medical Exam, Cash Value Life Insurance Policy. Fully Portable.

✅ Provide Employees Access To Our Robust Participatory

360 TBS Benefits Package. "Add-On" Benefit Package Via A Section 125 P.O.P. Preventative Health Plan.

✅ More Employer + Employee Benefits Listed Below

All of This For Your Employees At "$0 Additional Net Costs"

A Message From The Benefit Store CEO

You'll also significantly reduce Employee Turnover, Absenteeism,

& Presenteeism, while increasing Benefits & Productivity.

We understand your obligation to the "bottom line", and this is the best way to impact that!


SIG - Self Insured Group

A SIG Is Like Having A "Big Brother" Fighting To Not Pay Unnecessary Workers Comp Claims, Investigating Every Claim In-Depth, Reducing Costs Through Claims Management, and Has Your Best Interests In Mind By Not Continuing To Raise Your Premiums.

Technical Definition of a SIG:
In Workers' Compensation, a SIG stands for Self-Insured Group. A Self-Insured Group is a collection of employers

who pool their resources to self-insure their workers' compensation liabilities.

Key Differences You Need To Know

You shop your Insurer every year, but when was the last time you shopped your broker?

Could you believe it if we told you, they're both motivated to raise your premiums?


❌ Claims receive very little resistance or due diligence.

Why? For every claim paid, THEY RAISE YOUR PREMIUMS.

Sets your business up for failure by design: If an insurer continues to find every way possible to raise premiums, that motivates brokers to place business with them, considering brokers are compensated based on premiums, and receive renewal compensation from that business.

Unregulated Insurance Company Profits: The biggest reason for rising premiums is the unregulated increase in the premium charges insurance companies add on to workers’ medical treatment and weekly benefits. This is called the “loss-cost modifier.”

The Endless Spiral: While squeezing business for higher and higher premiums, insurance companies have added an additional $200 million to the cost of workers’ compensation. Insurance companies choose the injured worker’s doctor and dictate the medical treatment. They currently pocket 83 cents in profit for every dollar spent, thanks to the loss-cost modifier.


✅Fights to DENY faulty claims.

Demotivates Workers Comp Brokers (15% - 20%+ Commissions), because they do not keep raising premiums in which brokers are compensated, removing more capital from YOUR business.

Risk Pooling: By joining together, these employers create a larger pool of resources, which can help manage the financial risks associated with workers' compensation claims.

Regulation & Approval: SIGs are typically subject to regulation by state workers' compensation agencies. They must meet certain financial and operational criteria to be approved and maintain their status as a self-insured group.

Benefits: SIGs can provide several benefits, including potentially lower costs for workers' compensation insurance compared to traditional insurance policies, improved control over claims management, and the ability to implement tailored safety and loss prevention programs.

Funding: Members of a SIG contribute to a common fund, which is used to pay for workers' compensation claims. The contributions are based on various factors, including the size of the employer, the nature of their business, and their claims history.

Joint Liability: Members of a SIG may share joint liability for claims. If one member faces large claims that exceed their contributions, the other members might be required to cover the shortfall.

Conclusion: Overall, a Self-Insured Group can be an effective way for employers to manage their workers' compensation obligations collectively, potentially reducing costs and improving claims management.


Workers Comp Risk Mitigation Platform + Employee App + Program FAQs




25+ F/T Employees | Any Risk Class | Min. Annual Employee Salary $35K | Min. $50K Annual Workers Comp Premium

We specialize in the utilization and administration of the Section 125 POP Plan (Premium Payment Only).

This program utilizes concise tax codes to install our platform in a way that there are "zero additional net cost to the employer or the employee".

How We Can Reduce Your Workers Comp Premiums and Claims By Up To 30%:

✅ Significant Reduction In Broker Commission (You're Over-Paying) (You Shop Premiums Annually, But Do You Shop Your Broker?)

✅ Our Partner Insurer Has Agreed To Wholesale Pricing Far Below Market

✅ We'll Shop Over 50+ Carriers To Make Sure You're Getting The Best Pricing

✅ Risk Classification Analysis (Your Current Insurer May Have Mis-Classified Your Risk To Charge Higher Premiums)

✅ Deploying Our Robust Workers Comp Risk Mitigation Platform (Section 125 POP Approved) (Not Required)

Workers Comp Risk Mitigation Platform - Key Implementation Benefits:

A Mentally, Physically stronger Incentivized workforce is...

✅ Dedicated and Incentivized to perform at peak levels

✅ Never want to leave you as their employer

✅ Will drastically lower your employee turnover, absenteeism, presenteeism, and the heavy associated costs

✅ Drive increased profitability and expansion for owners and shareholders

Employee & Employer Benefits:

✅ Premium Discounts and Cost Reduction

✅ Benefits at "Zero Additional Net Costs"

✅ Improved "Add-On" Employee Benefit Package

✅ Significant Reduction In Employee Turnovers, Absenteeism, Presenteeism + Associated Costs

✅ $500+ Employer FICA Savings

✅ $200 - $400 In Employee FICA Savings

✅ 4% - 6% Employee Raise (If Chosen By Employer)

Up to $150,000 "Cash Value" Life Insurance Policy (Guaranteed Issue)

✅ Incentivized Risk Mitigation Tools

✅ Wholesale Commission Model

✅ Comprehensive Claims Management

✅ No Fees. No Credit Check. No Risk.

✅ Correct Risk Class

✅ Fully Insured or Self Insured

✅ Comprehensive Market Shopping

We guarantee a 15 minute call with us will prove to be worth your time. We'll show you everything, exactly how we can do what we do. You'll have everything you need to make an educated decision.


NPN #19677564 | CA #6004127 | NV #3593959