Say Goodbye to Rising Healthcare Costs...

And HELLO to affordable, high-quality care that prioritizes your well-being and empowers you to take control of your health-care journey.

Impact Health Sharing is changing the way we think about healthcare through the modern approach of healthcare sharing. Impact Health Sharing was founded with the goal to have healthcare become obtainable for those in need. Impact Health Sharing was made with the direct selling IBOs, dream chasers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners in mind.

Have Your Employees Been Priced Out of Healthcare?

Our healthcare-sharing community is here to shake things up and make health care affordable, flexible, and simple.

AFFORDABILITY: We offer affordable healthcare options that don't compromise on quality and promote your physical well-being.

PEACE OF MIND: Our members get peace of mind, ensuring that they are not burdened by health-care costs, and that they have the resources they need to navigate the healthcare system effectively.

FLEXIBILITY: With our crowd-funded healthcare alternative, you have the flexibility and transparency to choose the providers that work best for you, making it simple and easy to access the care you need.

UNITY: At Impact Health Sharing, we believe in uniting our members based on love-thy-neighbor approach. That means you're not just a number - you're part of a Community.

A Comprehensive Modern & Affordable Alternative to Health Insurance

✅ Freedom to select providers

✅ Comprehensive Medical

✅ Mental Health Resources

✅ $0 24/7 Telemedicine

✅ Supplements 20% Medicare Costs

✅ Most members save about $500 monthly

✅ Plans start as low as $73 for individuals

✅ Plans start as low as $378 for families.

✅ With a Community of more than 1 Million Members.... It works better, feels better.

✅We can work with Groups of 50+ Employees - Select Appropriate Button Below

< 50 Employees

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> 50 Employees

Request your quote and speak with an Enrollment Agent.


1 Million+ satisfied clients Nationwide. Here’s what a few are saying.


NPN #19677564 | CA #6004127 | NV #3593959