This presentation is for Strategic Partnership opportunities.

Whether you're a business owner, financial/insurance professional, group benefits agent, B2B service or product provider, we have the

3 services that top them all. On this presentation we'll

break down the details, and show you the "Roadmap" to

make an extra $1,000,000+ in 2024 by leveraging your relationships.

Workers Comp Savings | Workers Comp Risk Mitigation Platform | Executive Bonus Plans

The Benefit Store is disrupting an entire industry, creating a Paradigm Shift amongst employer groups across America. Our services solve some of their largest financial pain points next to payroll. These are the costs associated with Workers Comp Premiums/Claims, Workforce Wellness, and Taxes. As a partner, you have an opportunity to help your employer relationships add "instant cashflow" back to their bottom lines.

Here's a few talking points that we'll cover in the presentation.

Our 3 service winners that your relationships will appreciate you sharing.

Workers Comp Premium Savings, Workers Comp Risk Mitigation Platform, and our Executive Bonus services. We'll get into what these are, and more importantly, how you cross-promote them.

Huge upfront commission & bonus model, and our per employee, per month residual model.

There's today money, and down the road money. We all like the quick cash flow, and even more so, the long term residual income. You're in for quite the treat.

Roadmap to $1,000,000+ 1st Year.

It's Possible With This Model.

We'll show you the roadmap to hitting $1,000,000+ your 1st year. It's easier to hit revenue goals with products that carry significantly higher commission payouts. We'll discuss our 3 services that can get you there.

We are very selective on the Partners we onboard.

Like you, we want to partner with the best of the best.

✅ World Class Training On Products/Services

✅ High-Quality Leads (Free and Paid)

✅ Highest Paid Commissions

✅ Scalable Performance Based Commissions

✅ Highest Paying Overrides On Your Team Recruitment. 3 Tier Comp Plan. We Have Products/Services for Both Licensed & Non-Licensed Professionals.

✅ World Class Internal Team. You Sell. We Close. Scale.

✅ Credibility. Your TBS Team includes licensed Life/Health/P&C Insurance Agents, CPAs & Tax Attorneys.

What Does TBS Look For In Their Partners?

✅ Existing Business Relationships (No Required)

✅ Our Services/Products Compliment Yours

✅ Organized "Go To Market" Plan

✅ Integrity/Character - Do What You Say You Will

✅ Morals, & Ethics

✅ Team Player - Open Communication

✅ Action Taker - Learn & Implement

Workers Comp Risk Mitigation, Savings & 360 Preventative Health Plan

via a Section 125 P.O.P. Plan (Premium Only Plan)

Ideal Clients: 25+ Full Time W2 Employees | All Risk Classes | Min. $50K Annual Workers Comp Premium

An employer's three biggest expenses following Payroll are Workers Comp, Taxes, Healthcare. Workers Comp is expected to increase 4.9%+ in 2024 atop the 11% in 2022. Our partners are in a position to offer businesses essential savings that create immediate "Cash Flow" re-capture. Our models allow our partners to get paid on a "Per Employee Per Month" residual basis. Businesses are waiting for your contact now, and desperately need it.

Why So Easy To Gain Clients?

✅ Easy. You solve a major financial pain point: Workers Comp Premiums. 3 largest expenses to a business are workers compensation premiums & claims, taxes and payroll. Workers comp isn't getting any cheaper, and it rises every year.

You Offer Businesses:

✅ Employee "add-on" Benefits Package which includes up to $150K "Cash Value" Universal Life Insurance Policy owned by the Employee.

This is our proprietary Incentivized, Participatory Section 125 P.O.P. Preventative Health Plan including a Mental, Physical, and Financial wellness focus.

Up to 30% Reduction in Workers Comp Premiums & Claims

✅ By providing all of these resources, you significantly reduce their Employee Turnover Rates and Costs, Absenteeism, Presenteeism, increase overall Team Morale, while increasing Profitability.


Receive Compensation: No Licensing Requirements Unless Indicated Below:

✅ Workers Comp Risk Mitigation & 360 Preventative Health Plan Platform: NO Licensing Required



Executive Bonus Plans (Split Dollar / Section 162)

A MASSIVE Opportunity for Executive Bonus Plans.

Inflated Balance Sheets: Up from $1.6B in 2020 to over $5.8B in 2024.

Establish relationships built on Trust and Prosperity.

Executive Bonus Plans are highly desired because they're multi-purpose. They can be structured to significantly reduce taxable income for business owners, as well as be used to for an Executive or Key Employees Benefits Package. Executive Bonus Plans are paid on a % of the funded policies.

Why So Easy To Gain Clients?

You Offer Businesses:

✅ Offset 20% - 30% Tax Liability on Employee Retention Tax Credits received

✅ Executive Bonus Plan Structures that allow business owners to access balance sheet capital without paying a dividend or distribution tax. Also, allows them to avoid holding capital and paying a retained earnings tax.

Receive Compensation: No Licensing Requirements Unless Indicated Below:

✅ Executive Bonus Plans: YES, Life Insurance Licensed Required


Employer Groups

(Up To $50 P.E.P.M. Compensation)

There Is A Much Better Option For You

What if impact could also serve businesses, schools and organizations. Impact groups is to enable employers and their employees capture the benefits of impact, health sharing through a new group billing solution.

We understand how difficult it is for small organizations and business owners to find affordable options that offer their employees access to quality healthcare, and we are ready to help what will impact groups offer personalized enrollment, monthly group billing, group dashboard and management, spouse and family members are welcome.

Why continue to pour your profits into healthcare costs?

To Receive Compensation:

No Life or Health Insurance Licensing Is Required

Say Goodbye to Rising Healthcare Costs...

Direct To Consumers

(Up To $50 P.E.P.M. Compensation)

And HELLO to affordable, high-quality care that prioritizes your well-being and empowers you to take control of your health-care journey.

Impact Health Sharing is changing the way we think about healthcare through the modern approach of healthcare sharing. Impact Health Sharing was founded with the goal to have healthcare become obtainable for those in need. Impact Health Sharing was made with the direct selling IBOs, dream chasers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners in mind.

Great secondary coverage and prescription savings for seniors on Medicare.

Non-Profit and 1M+ members Nationwide.

To Receive Compensation:

No Life or Health Insurance Licensing Is Required

Ideal Clients: < 49 Employees | 50+ Special Requirements

For the populace that's been priced out of healthcare, or the Employer that wants to significantly reduce their group healthcare plan expenditures. Impact Health Sharing delivers a modern and affordable alternative to health insurance. In some ways, it functions the same as current health plans, but different in ways that matter.

Group Health Insurance is expected to rise another 6.5%+ in 2024.

✅ Most members save abut $500 monthly. Plans start as low as $73 for individuals, and $378 for families.

✅ Great secondary coverage and prescription savings for seniors on Medicare (65+).

✅ Non-Profit and 1M+ members Nationwide.

To Receive Compensation: No Life or Health Insurance Licensing Is Required

Live life without boundaries - Share the savings with others!

✅ Access to Alternative Comprehensive Health Insurance - 1,000,000+ Members Nationwide

Up to 50% off healthcare market rates for those not currently on their Employer's Health Coverage.

✅ Steep Discounts on Services Employees use Daily/Monthly such as Cellphone, TV/Internet, Utilities, Identity Protection.

Get to know the company behind Impact Health Share + the Consumer Savings Marketplace!

Ready to kickstart your own business - and your life?

At Our Core, Here's What We Know

✅ Our Reputation means everything to us.

✅ Beyond financial gain, if our reputation is tarnished, we have very little to gain. We know the same is true for our partners.

✅ We do NOT work with every financial professional that approaches us, nor would be expect to be a right fit for everyone.

✅ We like to get to know our partners, we want them to know us.

✅ We expect and create "Clarity" and "Expectations". Communication is our #1 deliverable, and one that we ask in return.

✅ We're looking for partners with sound Morals, Ethics and Integrity. We know you would want the same. In the heart of collaboration, and success in our businesses, we hope that's with you.





C-Suite Executives


Full-Time Employees


On Balance Sheets

TBS is creating a Paradigm Shift!

One of our most profitable products is our Workers Comp Risk Mitigation Platform Solution.

This product hedges Employers against Workers Comp Claims and rise in Premiums by providing an incentivized "add-on" benefits platform to Employees. Our platform has a 98% employee participation rate, and focuses the Mental, Physical, and Financial fortitude of an Employer's workforce.

Why is this important to an Employer?

✅ Increases Productivity (more profits for the business)

✅ Increases Team Morale

✅ Increases Employee Retention & Employer Recruitment Efforts

✅ Reduces Employee Turnover ($200B+ Annual Economic Loss)

✅ Reduces Absenteeism

✅ Reduces Presenteeism

✅ Reduces Workers Comp Premiums & Claims up to 30%

✅ Saves an Employer $550+ per employee in FICA taxes

"Zero Additional Net Costs To The Employer or Employees"

Unsettling Statistics On Mental Health & It's Impact On The US Workforce

Every one of the statistics below keep Employers up at night. These statistics scream risk mitigation and have a current impact on a businesses bottom line. Exacerbated by the Pandemic, and current economical climate, the statistical data keep rising. The impact becomes greater.

Employers cannot ignore the impact Mental Health is having, and will continue to have.

At our core, The Benefit Store, and the Agents we hire, need to have a "Heart For The People".


#1 Contributing Factor In Workers Comp Claims


Workforce Feeling Displaced Due To Mental Health Issues


Loss In Productivity Due To Mental Health. $200B Annually


Unknown Quantitative Impact From Decreased Team Moral

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We're excited to share this opportunity.

Enjoy the presentation, and we look forward to getting to know you.

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